
Ucamco offers free UcamX licenses for academic use

Press Release fro Ucamco

Universities, educational institutions and schools may now access UcamX, free of charge. By making UcamX available through its special academic licensing programme, the company provides teachers, researchers and students with industry-leading, PCB manufacturing tools, significantly enhancing the entire learning and training process, while reinforcing students' future employment prospects by enabling their proficiency with real-world manufacturing tools used by the world's leading PCB designers and manufacturers.

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From our booth at Productronica 2015

For the first time a single system is handles the full PCB product definition and production data, including image data. For rigid, flex and flex-rigid. It manages the images stack-up and material details, ERP material references, material characteristics, finishes, classes, and - most importantly - the production stages. It features an XML interface for input into ERP and PPS (Production Planning System).
Integr8tor is Ucamco’s automated client/server workflow system for the PCB industry. It automatically converts incoming customer data, calculates design characteristics and prepares the single PCB for CAM at industry-leading customers world-wide for almost a decade. Integr8tor is integrated with a variety of quotation, engineering and ERP systems.

Visit us at Productronica to find out more.

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Proposal for nested Step and Repeat in Gerber

Karel Tavernier makes a proposal to integrate nested step & repeats of pcb data into the Gerber format and invites the Gerber community to review and comment on the details of the new feature before it is cast in concrete and incorporated into the specification.


Integr8tor - Innovative sourcing with highest security

2 years ago CML, the world's biggest PCB provider, installed Integr8tor. Find out in this testimonial how Integr8tor is cutting significant time and work from the quoting process abd how CML benefits from some unusual advantages of Integr8tor, which seem tailor-made for the challenges of China's marketplace.


Support for Gerber X2 in Easy-PC

Press Release from Number One Systems

Number One Systems has announced the successful integration of Gerber X2 in Easy-PC 19. Working closely with Ucamco Number One Systems has successfully implemented Gerber X2. The output has been fully verified by Ucamco, who confirm it conforms to the X2 specification. 

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